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Facebook поворачивается лицом к рекламодателям

Пока, к сожалению, не ко всем :)

Вчера мне пришло письмо от Facebook, в котором компания рассказывает о появлении специального электронного адреса для рекламодателей: [email protected], по которому можно связаться с новой командой менеджеров. Интересно, что же стало со старой :)

Полный текст письма:

As the Facebook Ad Platform continues to evolve in its capabilities, we are continually refining the ways we work with and support our advertisers, including affiliates. Facebook’s core mission through its advertising platform is to provide users with diverse, relevant and high quality advertising that enhances the experience on our site.

At Facebook, we continuously strive to ensure these core tenants are being followed and applied by our advertisers.  Every day we work to nurture and develop relationships with advertisers that follow the philosophy outlined in our ‘Advertising Guidelines’ and found online at [ http://www.facebook.com/ad_guidelines.php ].

Undoubtedly, these guidelines will continue to be dynamic in nature as we build enhancements to our ad platform and gather feedback from our users. As such, our goal is to reward and encourage advertisers we believe are supportive in our core mission and continually abide by the guidelines.

You have been identified as an advertiser who has supported this mission. Due to your continued support of our platform, you are eligible for priority support from our Facebook Affiliate Advertiser Team. This team is uniquely specialized in handling your needs and is solely dedicated to help you scale your marketing efforts on Facebook. This team is equipped to answer your specific questions and provide fast service (usually resolving questions within 24 hours).

When needed, to receive support from this new Affiliate Advertiser Team, you simply need to send an email to [email protected] .

We look forward to working with you and continuing to build a mutually beneficial relationship. We truly appreciate your business.

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